Isabel Thielmann

Isabel Thielmann, University of Koblenz-Landau Cognitive Psychology Lab, will give a presentation via Zoom in this week’s Social, Economic, and Decision Psychology research seminar (Thursday 29 April).

Lying but still feeling moral: How individuals balance the costs and benefits of immoral action

Dishonesty constitutes a widespread aspect of human social interaction, ranging from private contexts (e.g., cheating in romantic relationships), over semi-public settings (e.g., tax evasion), to large public crises (e.g., cheating on pollution emissions tests). Despite the high prevalence of immoral behavior, however, most people feel moral and indeed more moral than others. In my talk, I will bring together evidence showing how people manage to act immorally but still feel moral. Specifically, I will present research using behavioral decision-making tasks (i.e., cheating paradigms) to illuminate how (i) the justifiability of lying, (ii) the magnitude of (objective and subjective) incentives, and (iii) personality influence dishonest behavior. Overall, these findings show that people are well-versed at balancing the psychological costs and the tangible benefits of lying – and yet, some individuals are just honest.

Background reading:

Shalvi, S., Gino, F., Barkan, R., & Ayal, S. (2015). Self-Serving Justifications: Doing wrong and feeling moral. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 24(2), 125–130.

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