Uni-Nacht 2015: Lange Nacht der Wissenschaft


The University of Basel will be commemorating its 555 years with a science night – Uni-Nacht 2015: Lange Nacht der Wissenschaft – on Friday, Sept. 18th, 2015. Most events take place at the main university building (Kollegienhaus) but there are interesting talks, tours, and other activities taking place in other campus locations as well. Below are a few events organised by members of the Social, Economic, and Decision Psychology Area but you can find the full program online here.

Kollegienhaus Hörsaal 120
19:00 • Wie gut können die Leute ihr Glück vorhersagen? 

Rainer Greifeneder and Alois Stuzer will be talking about predicting happiness from a psychologist’s and an economist’s perspective, respectively. Their talks will be followed by a discussion between the two.

SWE members have also organised some experiments that Uni-Nacht attendees can take part in as a way to learn about social psychology and risk taking research…

Kollegienhaus, Computerrraum UG 112

18:00 to 24:00 • Sozialpsychologie zum Mitmachen

Kollegienhaus, vor Hörsaal 117

18:00 to 24:00 • R!s!ko – Risikobereitschaft schätzen und testen

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