In the mood for action

Together with Eric Tafani and Elyette Roux, we have a paper in JBR that investigates the impact of mood states on the effectiveness of advertisements. Previous studies have generally investigated the effect of incidental mood states on product evaluations, but rarely on intentions to buy, or even purchase behavior. In the present studies, we assessed evaluations, intentions, and behavior, and observed an interesting pattern. Consistent with prior research we find that positive mood increases the impact of brand image on product evaluations, whereas negative mood increases the impact of specific product information on product evaluation. Yet interestingly, evaluations translated into behavior primarly in conditions of negative mood (and not positive mood). This has vital implications for advertisement: although most marketers may prefer to air their commercial in the midst of positive-mood inducing shows or movies, in may prove beneficial to air commercials for strong products in the midst of negative-mood inducing TV-programs.

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