Judgment and Decison Making in a Consumer Context

A few swiss-based decision-making researchers convened at the Confucius Institute, Geneva, August 17th, 2017, for the “Judgment and Decison Making in a Consumer Context Meeting”, organised by Benjamin Scheibehenne, Bettina von Helversen, and I. It was nice to see critical mass of people working on decision-related topics and we hope to organise more of these in the future!

On the picture from left to right (talk titles in parentheses):

Renato Frey (Risk preference shares the psychometric structure of major psychological traits), Benjamin Scheibehenne (The cognitive process of number integration: Evidence from the lab and from the field), Miguel Brendl,  Géraldine Coppin (Peak-end rule), Antonia Krefeld (A quantitative review of the statistical practice in consumer research), Emanuel deBellis, Agnes Scholz (Eye movements can reveal biases in exemplar-based decision-making), Christian Hildebrand (Preference expression modalities of touch-sensitive interfaces), Bettina von Helversen (Risky decision making with money and odors), Rui Mata, Joerg Rieskamp (Do reduced cognitive capacities change people’s preferences?).

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